Figure 1 Common flax/harakeke. Image: Jimmy Johnson.

Te Kōrari

E ngā mana, E ngā reo, E ngā karangatanga maha, Tēnā koutou.
Greetings to all authorities, all voices, and the many affiliations.

Kōrari are flowers that adorn and provide nourishment to harakeke/flax. Korari is also the conceptual framework designed by Manukorihi Winiata as the tohu (logo) for Whitireia/WelTec. The tohu links back to the harakeke framework of Te Pae Tawhiti (Te Tiriti o Waitangi excellence framework). 

Ākonga, like korari, also require nourishment and support to thrive and grow. This course has been designed to promote such growth. In the context of Te Ao Māori, this course has been developed to authentically model a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Each thread of Te Kōrari (whakapapa, whanaungatanga, manaaki, tikanga) aligns with the Whitireia/WelTec values so that ākonga may understand their position in Te Ao Māori, as ākonga enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing Pacific Programme.